SAINTS The first of the Ten Commandments makes it clear that worship is due to god alone. In Deuteronomy, that the Lord tells his people through Moses: You shall not bow down before them or worship them" (5:7-9) Catholics affirm this truth. Only the all-mighty Creator of the universe, the one in whom "we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28) , is worthy of our worship -of the adoration that involves giving ourselves completely to him. No saint or even angel should even be adorated in that sense At the same time, however, we obey the biblical instruction to "pay to all their dues,... an honor to whom honor is due" (Rom 13:7) . Though we don't worship the saints and angels in heaven, we do in fact honor (or venerate) them, because they are worthy of great honor. This is a biblical distinction Why do they deserve such honor? Because they now stand before him in heaven face-to-face, and they have become like him. They have become, by God's gra...